Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Melear Reunion 2010

HELLO!, My name is Jerry Lee, and this is my home.

You know, today there was a family reunion right here at this house. I'm not sure where all these people came from, but there was a good crowd of them. Carmax would have been jealous, I had more running cars parked out front than they do. There was even a real motorcycle, sigh, I didn't get a chance to chase it. Some dogs get all the luck. I did't get to see everything that went on inside cause they kept opening the door for me to go outside. I didn't need to go?? Waal, anyway, on to posting the gathering.

Once the blessings was asked, someone asked them to count off so as to figure out how many people was here. The count kept being dropped at 10, so it was suggested that every time they got to 10 that person would take their shoe off and place it in a pile with the others. They made sure the barefooted ones was some were in between 1 and 10. I think they said it was 39.

The picture shows closer to 50 came by say hello , pat my head and eat some wonderful food.

Mike, Blake, Jan and Andrew sang a bunch of songs about things and then Somebody sang about a 'red neck muther'

Dawson checked out the fishing spot.


Dewey th Sailor

Jimmy Ray, Onita, Jean, Jerry, Deanna, Joann, Joe Dean, and others in the Melear clan.

Minnie and Jester Melear

Darrell, Daughter and Grand Kids

Pickers and grinners

A talkin to the crystal ball..

Makin a wish.. Handsome Prince?

Gayle Wilkerson

Dusky Wright

Dottie, Bobbie, Jean, and Debra

Tara and Dusky

Dave Parish

Andrew Brown


Mike, well at least he had shoes and his hat on.

Debra, Blake, and Jan

Bubba Brammer's daughter Jadyn

Dottie and Bobbie

Mike, Leslie, Darrell and Bubba

Darrell Melear and Randy Wright

Mike and Judy

Gary Brown